Northwestern University Asian and Asian American Alumni Association (NU-A5)

Established in 2002, NU-A5 is a national organization comprised of Asian and Asian American students and alumni from across Northwestern’s 12 undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools. NU-A5 hosts social and professional events aimed at building community among Asian and Asian American students and alumni. As a national club, NU-A5 collaborates with the Northwestern Alumni Association, other NU clubs, and student groups to foster a stronger global network.

NU-A5 was named NAA Club of the Year in 2023. 

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Give to the Alumni Club Scholarship Program


Your gift will make a difference in the life of a Northwestern student from your area or one who shares a connection with your alumni affinity group. Watch this short video to learn more about the program and its positive impact on University students who need your support.

Make a Gift

Affinity Leaders and Learners (ALL) Mentorship Program

Are you looking to have an impactful mentoring relationship with an Asian/Asian-American student on campus? Sign up for our Affinity Leaders and Learners (ALL) Mentorship Program, a pilot program that connects undergraduate students with alumni who share similar life experiences and career interests.

Learn more